Struggles of a College Student Being Home for Summer Break

1. I miss sooo many of my friends from college

2. There is nothing to do in my small town

3. I only have a few friends from high school that I care to see

4. Doing nothing can get boring really fast. I would rather go to classes and do something with my life than sit at home and watch TV all day.

4. It is extremely difficult to find a job here at home, but at school there is always work study!

5. I miss my dance team, and I was so much more active at school.

6. On that note, I’m pretty sure I’ve gained weight from being at home.

7. I don’t want to cook food, and it is so much easier when you can just grab something from the cafeteria and go back to your room.

8. INDEPENDENCY and FREEDOM!! Living on my own. I need it. Now.

9. Texting your friends from college is not the same. You were so used to seeing them everyday.

10. I am counting down the days until I am back at a place that has become my other home.



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